The future of investing with
commercial passive income investments

Passive income investments are becoming increasingly popular, making it clear that active real estate investments are taking a back seat and creating more beneficial returns for investors.

What is passive investing in commercial real estate?

Passive investing in real estate means that you use your own money to invest in a commercial property, but someone else manages the property on your behalf. Generally, this type of investment involves a number of investors pooling their capital together and purchasing properties, however, this doesn’t mean that individual investors can’t engage in or benefit from passive income investments.

Knowing how to secure passive income by investing in commercial properties can be a significant contributor to helping you reach financial stability.

Passive Income Investments

Why are commercial passive income investments appealing? 


Diversification of risk

The key to a successful investment is the investor's willingness and ability to diversify their portfolio and reach financial freedom. Diversifying into commercial real estate means that you reduce the risk of loss because you have many tenants rather than just one who can impact your entire investment.


Tangible assets

When you invest in a commercial real estate property you are in possession of a tangible asset that has more value. If you invest in stocks, for instance, you are left with a piece of paper that shows your ownership, but there’s nothing tangible, making it a far riskier investment than commercial property.


Better liquidity

Passive investments have better liquidity than if you were to actively purchase commercial real estate. Many prefer this option since owning real estate means that you’re stuck with it until you sell it which can take time, but with passive income investments, you can liquidate, typically after one year.


Minimum time commitment

Passive investments don’t require you to spend a significant amount of time on them—especially when you work with a commercial property expert who has years of experience. The most time that you’ll spend on your investment is learning about the different options available and selecting the right opportunity.

Why work with Unikorn 

Many Australians don't realise how easy it can be to invest in commercial properties, so they miss out on the awesome benefits—higher rental yields and longer lease contracts these positive cashflow investment properties can offer them.

Unikorn helps you succeed in commercial property investment with our team of property experts guiding you through every step of the way, taking away the confusion and helping you multiply your wealth.


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Testimonial 01
Regina Soeryanto


Testimonial 02
Jason Leap

Merchandise Planner

Testimonial 03
Soula Lerantges

Montessori Teacher

Testimonial 04
Kerryn Abagi

Business Owner 

Testimonial 05
Mish Daniel

Business Owner

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Can passive income be taxed?

Yes. Like any other income passive income can be taxed, but your tax liability will depend on how you earned your income.

Are there risks in passive income investing?

There are risks with any type of investment, but working with a commercial property expert can help you limit the risks you’re exposed to by making the right property investment at the right time. 

Is passive investing a good option for a first-time investor?

Yes, it is. Our investment specialists have helped many first-time investors step into the commercial real estate market and see positive cashflow from day one.